Take the "Back to Basics" Self-Care Challenge!
Back to Basics is 15 Days of consistently practicing Soul Fitness actions and behaviors linked to taking exceptional care of your mind, body, soul, and space.
It is a self-paced, downloadable, fully laid out 15-Day Challenge you can do anywhere, anytime, to enhance and increase your daily level of self-care, thereby increasing your productivity and peace.
When you take this challenge, you will improve both the amount and the quality of attention you pay to loving yourself, taking care of yourself, and showing up for yourself in positive, healthy ways.
When you complete this challenge, you will be stronger in mind, body, and spirit.
You can successfully do this program from anywhere in the world and you can repeat this 15-day focus any time you choose to re-boot your self-love. It's yours forever.
How the Back to Basics Challenge Works:
- As soon as your purchase is complete, you will receive your digital product to download right away.
- That pdf is your Back to Basics ebook, which contains all the details of the Challenge and it's yours to keep forever and ever.
- For 15 days, you will practice micro-movements that focus on the foundational pieces scientifically linked to taking exceptional care of your mind, body, soul, and space.
- In your downloadable "Back to Basics" ebook, we provide WHAT action you need to take, WHY it’s worth your time, energy, and diligence, as well as tips on HOW and WHEN to practice the micro-movement.
- I'll send you extra e-love letters during the 15 days: for instance, an email on Day 5 delivers a Pep Talk for when you need a boost, and a Bonus Tip lands in your inbox on Day 10.
- The micro-movements naturally progress, building up one one another as the challenge continues.
- The more consistently you do them, the easier it will become to identify the benefits they bring to aligning your day-to-day sense of mind/body harmony and overall wellness.
By The Way:
- The Soul Fitness Back to Basics 15-Day Challenge isn't trying to CHANGE anything about you.
- We think you're lovely, just the way you are.
- You are also important and valuable and deserving of all the love and care in the world, which is where we come in -
- The Soul Fitness Back to Basics 15-Day Challenge will elevate the way you take care of yourself on a daily basis, starting today.
- This a self-paced challenge - you can begin your challenge any day you choose. The emails we send come five days after you purchase the program, 5 days after that, and 5 days after that. You can save them as "unread" in your inbox until you reach the corresponding days.
- No equipment is required, no fancy shopping lists are necessary, no big commitments are needed.
- Just 15 Days of mindful love, care, and attention to send you in the right direction.
- Your mind. Your body. Your soul. Your space.
You Get:
- A downloadable pdf from my safe, secure website that is yours to keep forever and ever. (This file contains your Back to Basics ebook!)
- Within your ebook, you'll find:
- 15 Days of Soul Fitness Micro-movements, all linked to Healthier Bodies and Happier Brains
- Science to back it all up
- Resources on where to find more
- Consistency Tracker Sheets
- Reflection Question Pages
- Dedicated links to (4) 20-40 minute Back-to-Basics Movement Sessions
- (3) Bodyweight Circuit Workouts
- (1) Soul Fitness Stretch Session
- Bonus Tips and Exclusive Nuggets of Motivation
- TONS of feel-good energy, healthy vibes, positive encouragement, and love love love!
What They're Saying:
"Oh, HELLO! This program exceeded my expectations on every level. I especially love how it hit the perfect blend of challenging without being overwhelming. Thanks! Can't wait to see the rest of them." -A.J.
"I really like how the options presented enable me to take immediate actions to benefit myself and improve my self care behaviors. There really is a little bit of everything in the Back to Basics program!" -E.E.K
"Extremely helpful." -J.G.
"I loved this challenge. [This] has been a REALLY ROUGH month filled with change and challenge, and having already got myself in the routine of [these tips] is helping me stay grounded in what’s important." -C.L.
I am really happy that I did the Back to Basics challenge, it was such a lovely reminder that small, incremental changes can make a big difference in the long run." -A.D.
"You did such a great job, honey. This is really nicely done." -Coach Alex's Mom