You gotta know when to fold 'em. Please to enjoy 30 seconds of:
Attempt #37629 of a Kansas Road Trip Workout
aka: Why This Endeavor Wasn't Meant To Be
Maybe you can relate - when life comes at me too fast, I can get overwhelmed. When I get overwhelmed, my anxiety makes my thought train go into overdrive. When my thoughts go into overdrive, it's like they all bombard me at once; every single sliver of potential worry suddenly looms large, demanding my immediate and full attention, appearing much more menacing and inflated with importance than they actually are. I get thrust into the future, which, as we know, doesn't actually exist, so it's a very unsettling and confusing place to try and set up shop, which is what it feels like I'm being asked to do in those moments. Figure out the solution to all potential problems; that way, no matter what happens, we're covered. |
November 2021