Feeling grateful to Sarah G. for her ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review of Truth Matters, Love Wins on Amazon - my appreciation runs deep for everyone who takes the time out of their busy day to provide kind feedback. 🙏🏼
Being vulnerable is not easy, but it can change people’s lives while providing new layers of understanding around what you yourself went through.
If you experienced any kind of trauma as a young child - and let’s be real, in some way, shape, or form, everybody did - your inner child (the part of your belief system shaped by your first 5-7 years of life) needs the adult version of you to face it, own it, and heal it, and they will send you indicators of such that get louder and louder until you do.
Why Our Relationship to the Truth MattersToday, July 7, is National Tell the Truth Day, a day dedicated to honesty and the rejection of manipulation and lying. The unofficial holiday encourages people to always tell the truth, even if it is often times inconvenient and hard.
I once worked for a woman who lied about everything. She compulsively said things that were not true for no discernible reason. She would change details and timelines, often altering a story to present herself as the hero or the victim. It was bewildering at first, but once I figured out what was happening, my confusion morphed into something akin to bemusement. Her mental gymnastics became almost entertaining to witness. Look What's Been Published! It happened a bit earlier than expected. I was aiming for early May, but on the morning of April 22, I hopped onto Amazon to create my Author Profile, a task my publisher had given me, and boom!
There she was, in all her "Available Now" glory. After a quick back-and-forth with my publisher, who said it was likely a self-correcting glitch that would revert to "pre-order" status soon, I decided to roll with it. We all know I'm a sucker for signs from the Universe, and this felt like a big one for a few different reasons. |
November 2021