Feeling grateful to Sarah G. for her ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review of Truth Matters, Love Wins on Amazon - my appreciation runs deep for everyone who takes the time out of their busy day to provide kind feedback. 🙏🏼 Being vulnerable is not easy, but it can change people’s lives while providing new layers of understanding around what you yourself went through. Sharing a story can also remind people we are not alone, that struggle is universal, a human condition we all face. Knowing others are in a similar boat can be comforting, and hearing about how they prevailed can be encouraging. Sharing helps dismantle shame, release anxiety, and empower others to tell their truth. It’s brave, daring, and courageous to shine a light on the parts of our journeys others may want us to hide, cover, or hush. But sharing heals, and when we heal ourselves, we help heal the collective, too. Truth Matters, Love Wins is a memoir that showcases the power of keeping love close when you know you have truth on your side. It's a must-read for anyone curious about how to handle the pain and anger that accompanies life's most devastating curveballs.
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November 2021