Here is the biggest piece of self-care advice I can offer you: Throw away your scale. We've been conditioned to think that the number reflected back to us on the scale is somehow indicative of something important, but it's not - it only measures your gravitational pull, which actually has very little to do with your health. The number on the scale can fluctuate as much as up to 5lbs in a single day due to things like fluid retention, training routines, dehydration, quality of cumulative sleep, and sodium and carbohydrate intake. With so many variables affecting the number, you are not really giving your brain accurate information, which can not only be confusing and demoralizing, but it can also negatively affect your future behavior. What about defining yourself by a different kind of measurement?
It's an extraordinary thing, the feeling that comes with empowering yourself by expanding your knowledge base. As they say, when you know better, you do better. The way I see it, we're all souls having human experiences, and when we learn more about anything at all, it widens our worldview. And when we learn more about something that's directly related to upping our self-care game? Well, look out world... Learning how to better care for yourself is always worth your time, and one way to do that is to become familiar with the names and specific functions of your muscles. It's one of the very first steps of cultivating any meaningful relationship, learning a name, so knowing what each body part is called is a positive step towards a friendly relationship with your body. Additionally, in order to have a full appreciation of why it's important to take care of ourselves, we need to understand what exactly we're caring FOR. We talk a lot about movement here at Soul Fitness, and rightly so. Movement is at the heart of both our body's fitness journey, and our day-to-day lives, so it makes sense we’d focus on how to move, why to move, and what to do when we can’t move. As we cling to the motivation sparked by our 2019 goals, intentions and resolutions, it can be tempting to try and fill our days with go go go, because the more action, the better the results, right? Well, not necessarily. Just like Rest Days are a necessary part of a balanced fitness journey, moments of #pause are a necessary part of peaceful, balanced, everyday living. |
November 2021